Has America’s Biggest Crime Family Been Revealed?
18:19Friend of the show and award-winning international journalist and founder of the Liberty Sentinel, Alex Newman joins us on a day when the Biden family corruptocrats are being exposed. We will also talk about the crisis at the US southern border, bank failures and many other things.
Our second guest is, Dr. Laura Braden. Dr. Braden is a molecular biologist with a focus in immunology. Her passion for the last 15 years has been immunopathology, disease resistance and host-pathogen interactions using advances in genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, and functional immunology.
As a scientist and mother, Dr. Braden continues to unapologetically fight for informed consent and scientific integrity, and fiercely defend the unalienable freedoms of all Canadians.
Liberty Sentinel: http://www.libertysentinel.org/
American Media Periscope: http://www.americanmediaperiscope.com/
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